- Food is available - The amount and quality of food available globally, nationally and locally can be affected temporarily or for long periods by many factors including climate, disasters, war, civil unrest, population size and growth, agricultural practices, environment, social status and trade.
- Food is affordable - When there is a shortage of food prices increase and while richer people will likely still be able to feed themselves, poorer people may have difficulty obtaining sufficient safe and nutritious food without assistance.
- Food is utilised - At the household level, sufficient and varied food needs to be prepared safely so that people can grow and develop normally, meet their energy needs and avoid disease.
- World Food Day, 16 October, highlights the need to ensure that all people have physical and economic access at all times to enough nutritious, safe food to lead healthy and active lives.
- More than half the world's population lives in low-income, food-deficit countries that are unable to produce or import enough food to feed their people.
- More than one-third of all children are malnourished and 6 million children a year die of causes related to malnutrition.
- Most of the world's hungry people are found in the developing world, but 34 million live in the developed world.
- Soil degradation, chronic water shortages, inappropriate agricultural policies and population growth threaten food production in many countries.
- While growing export crops such as coffee, cocoa and sugar produces export income, it can lead to a decrease in basic food production, causing hardship for people who are poor.
- Between 1960 and 1990 world cereal production more than doubled, food production increased by one-third per head, daily intake of calories increased by one-third, and real food prices fell by almost half.
- There is enough food in the world for everyone to have enough to eat, but it is unevenly distributed.